Penis Envy (Psilocybe cubensis) is a popular mushroom strain that has been a firm favourite with hardcore psychonauts for decades. It gets its unusual name from its unique shape. The Penis Envy mushroom has a long stem topped with a large cap, which is reminiscent of the shape of a penis.

They are also one of the largest species of magic mushrooms around. It is believed they were initially discovered in Cuba in the early 1900s and have since been grown intensively to achieve an even greater hallucinogenic effect.

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PENIS ENVY MUSHROOM  are a potent type of psychedelic with high levels of psilocybin, leading to intense experiences. They can grow in warm, humid conditions and require careful attention to avoid contamination during cultivation. Research suggests potential mental health benefits for treating depression and anxiety, but more studies are needed. The legal status of these mushrooms varies widely worldwide, so it’s important to check local laws before possessing or using them.  Consuming Albino Penis Envy Mushrooms carries risks such as anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations; safe use involves starting with a low dose in a comfortable setting.

enigma vs penis envy mushrooms

Penis Envy is a very difficult strain to grow. It drops very few spores, those spores do not stay viable very long, and they take substantially longer to germinate than most P. cubensis spores do. Plus, the mycelium is unusually vulnerable to contamination. As a result, very few growers work with Penis Envy, making the variety rare and expensive to buy. Users pay the high prices because this strain is unusually potent.

Besides the potency, the Penis Envy trip is unusual for having a notably fast onset with wavy, rather than geometric, visuals and relatively little effect on the body—the experience feels “clean,” mental and emotional, rather than physical. It is propagated and used both in pure form and as one of the parents in a number of different popular hybrid strains.

penis envy mushroom effects

The strong potency of Penis Envy provides many of the expected psychoactive effects of mushrooms including:

  • a light body high
  • intense euphoria
  • visual hallucinations
  • appreciation for surroundings
  • deep feelings of love
  • appreciation of art
  • philosophical wonder and introspection

Other common effects include intense visual distortions, color enhancements, and animation of everyday objects. Those who are about to take Penis Envy for the first time should expect deep shamanic experiences, accompanied by an overwhelming sense of being one with an entity.

Users can expect to feel the effects between 20-60 minutes after ingestion. This can vary depending on the dosage and amount of food in the stomach. The effects can be expected to last between 5-10 hours.



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1/2LB, 1/4LB, 1LB, 1OZ


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